4,000 miles away, I woke up at 4 a.m in London to find that the presidential race was still going. Hillary has just won California, Trump has just won Florida. I do further research in hopes to gain a better perspective of what things are coming to. As I research the map I see red claiming more states than my fear could handle to see. I remained awake for an hour until I decided I needed to get some more sleep and could only hope for the best when I opened my eyes at 8 a.m. The first thing I hear when I wake three hours later comes from one of my roommates, “Trump is president…” It’s way too early in the morning to start off with bad news. I would have liked to go back to sleep and try the whole waking up thing again in hopes that it was a dream, but reality was hitting and it was hitting hard.
I’ve been watching the countdown to this election from afar and truly believed that the American people were not ignorant or filled with such hate to really vote for a man who embodies sexism, racism, arrogance, ignorance, hatred and sees sexual assault as a “distraction.” Sadly, I do not know my country at all and on January 20th when this man is sworn into office, patriotism will leave me just as independence has.
Today, as I work and write, I sing the Redemption Song by Bob Marley to myself and feel it within my heart. “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds.” The lyrics that Marley once sung were inspired by a speech given by Marcus Garvey in Nova Scotia. I’m praying that the American people will free their minds to think rationally and as individuals. As a 20 year old black female college student, all I can do is hold onto the same hope that filled me back in 2008 when I stayed up with my family to witness the first African-American President be elected into office. At the time I was 12-years-old and would be applying for high school within a year. Obama filled me with hope and belief that my skin colour would never define what I am capable of doing and as long as I continued to work hard, believe and surround myself with like minded people who would support me, I could achieve anything and everything.
I’ve been fortunate enough to be surrounded by, and to be friends with people who understand the values I hold. I haven’t had to unfriend or block anyone from social media due to bigotry or discriminatory remarks. The people who I have crossed paths with and have friended are those who do believe the “Love Trumps Hate,” and give me faith that America will eventually overcome all that Trump represents. In the words of Michael Jackson, “If Martin Luther was living, he wouldn’t let this be.” It’s time that we step up to the plate, again, and knock this one out of the park.

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