Glued to Our Screens

I’m sure if you were asked to create a list of things that were important to you, the list would include family, friends, maybe a pet, a hobby or passion. That’s wonderful, but let’s think realistically for a moment. What is something…

Stop and Smell the...Pollution

Have you ever heard of a ‘smellfie’? Don’t worry I haven’t either, in fact it’s a relatively new term just recently coined through an article from the BBC written by Matt McGrath. Said article, Can city ‘Smellfies’ stop air pollution?…

Poverty in Britain

It’s a bit odd isn’t it? There is poverty in Britain. Poverty in the nation that once ruled the waves. Poverty in the fifth richest country in the world. It’s an oxymoron. According to 21st Century Challenges, poverty is, “people whose…

We Are All Connected - DNA Journey

With all of the racism, hatred, prejudice, and persecution happening within the world, it’s easy to forget that we’re all connected. When things such as Brexit passes or when someone like Donald Trump becomes president, you’d think we…
We Are All Connected - DNA Journey

We Are All Connected - DNA Journey

With all of the racism, hatred, prejudice, and persecution happening within the world, it’s easy to forget that we’re all connected. When things such as Brexit passes or when someone like Donald Trump becomes president, you’d think we…

We Are All Connected - DNA Journey

With all of the racism, hatred, prejudice, and persecution happening within the world, it’s easy to forget that we’re all connected. When things such as Brexit passes or when someone like Donald Trump becomes president, you’d think we…