Faith, Identity & Belonging Competition 2018
In 2018 ScribersHive partnered with Paddington Arts to deliver an online creative writing and photography competition for young people between the ages of 16 & 24. The competition attracted a wide audience from the UK, Europe and beyond.
The competition encouraged young people to explore prevalent issues related to faith, identity and belonging through their creative outlets. After receiving numerous photograph and article submissions, prizes were awarded to the best three in each category.
“Even before rules were recorded, morality was expected…”
Shanique Benjamin (1st Prize Winner)
“Belonging is me, belonging is us, belonging is we”
Nabeela Mulbacus (2nd Prize Winner)
Each and every submission was unique, impactful and inspiring. An anthology booklet was created with a selection of the outstanding entries to present to the participants and guests at the award ceremony.