We are living in dark times. There is a virus sweeping the world, taking no prisoners. The death toll in the UK has surpassed 450 people, and the number of people globally who are known to be infected has reached over 450,000.

With these statistics in mind, plus the fact that there is still no known solution to end this pandemic, the uncertainty we are living with is overwhelming.

Most of us, I hope,  have now entered this period of isolation. You are limiting your contact with others, practicing social distancing, and washing your hands like it’s nobody’s business. With this new living style comes many adjustments.

By setting some ground rules for living in isolation, you can ensure that you make the most of this alien situation while protecting your mental and physical health in the process.

The first ground rule you should set involves exercise. Personally, I dislike exercises 365 days of the year; however, at this point in time, when the same four walls of your home being all you see in the near future, it is crucial to keep up some sort of physical activity.

According to The Conversation, “Exercise can help keep our immune system become strong, less susceptible to infections and their most severe consequences, and better able to recover from them.”

Whether this be a quick walk around your block or watching a Zumba video, Any activity is better than none, and more activity provides more physical and mental health benefits.”

The next rule you should work into your life in isolation involves working from home. In an article by Forbes Magazine, Robert Revilla is cited saying, “Generally speaking, what you wear to the office definitely has some impact on productivity.”

In an article by Today, Professor Carolyn Mair is cited saying, “Keeping a routine helps us maintain a sense of control and degree of normality when we are feeling a lack of control, which leads to stress and even anxiety.”

The last rule that you should make for your time in Isolation is to stay in touch with the outside world, but don’t overwhelm yourself. You are currently sitting in your home in front of a computer with endless knowledge at the touch of your fingertip.

This is important, however, there is such a thing as knowing too much.

In an article by the New York Times titled, Is Obsessing Over Daily Coronavirus Statistics Counterproductive?, research was conducted which concluded that “…the statistic stalkers were more anxious.”

Being trapped, literally, in a space filled with anxiety ridden energy is detrimental to one’s physical and mental health. The article states, “The stalkers become unduly afraid, and their fear distorts their sense of how dangerous the situation is.”

Stated best by a Vogue article, “What we’ve found in research is that a sense of control is essential for one’s sanity.” If you take control of your situation now, you can normalise life in isolation.

Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash

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