Reluctance to Meditate
Ena explores the concept of meditation and talks about her journey and experience with different meditative practices such as breathing.
Diversity in the Workplace
Ena explores the reasons for why organisations could be for or against diversity in the workplace and the ethical and moralistic reasons for supporting inclusion and equality.
Rates of Discrimination Against BAME Applicants Unchanged
2020 Power of Colour survey shows little progress for BAME top job holders. Yet, 2017 research revealed discrimination against BAME unchanged since the 1970s
How the BBC Has Lifted the Curtain On Performative Politics
The BBC receive major backlash after the use of a racial slur by one of its reporters.
Flanders Region Bans Kosher and Halal Meat
The Belgian region of Flanders has gone forward with a ban on Kosher in Halal meat this year raising question of concern over xenophobia.
Ruby Rose & the Toxicity of Fan Outrage
Ruby Rose has quit Social Media after receiving abuse online for her new role as Batwoman in a show set to come out on the CW network next year.
Mesut Ozil Retires from Germany Amid Controversy
Arsenal Midfielder Mesut Ozil has retired from the Germany National Team after receiving abuse from the Deutsch Media for meeting with Turkish leader Erdogan.
Talking About Mental Health In The Workplace
Many of us will experience problems with our mental health. It can be hard to talk about with your employer - but the support they can offer is worth it.
Ignorance is Bliss
“Where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise.” -Thomas Gray
It is a blessing to be ignorant in the sense that functioning throughout the day unawares leaves this wonderful cover of bliss and happiness. And yet, this ignorance is also…