Reluctance to Meditate

Ena explores the concept of meditation and talks about her journey and experience with different meditative practices such as breathing.

Maltese Journalist Murdered in a Car Bombing

On Sunday 16th October 2017 in Bidnija, Malta, a car exploded at around 3 pm. Inside the Peugeot 108, reduced to pieces by the powerful explosion, there was Daphne Caruana Galizia, 53 years old Maltese journalist and mother of three, killed…

Knife Crime on Wheels

Never in my life did I think I would be afraid of a moped passing by while I wait on a bus stop with my phone out. Recent weeks have seen a large influx of reported moped crimes carried out by youth offenders in the heart of the capital. The…


#MeToo doesn't come as a surprise, but ask yourself if you too have done any of the above things to let this happen.

Coconut Culture

Skin colour and body image has always seemed to be something that was at the forefront of conversation when I was growing up. I identify as a person from a mixed background, I had a white maternal grandmother so if we are going by fractions,…

Period poverty: How can we end it?

We probably all know that women in developing countries struggle to find sanitary products, especially where menstruation is seen as a sin rather than a natural process. Although, what might come as a surprise is that this is also a problem…

Harvey Weinstein’s Sexual Abuse of Women’s Dreams

For many decades Weinstein has been abusing his position of power in Hollywood trying to have affairs with young attractive women, who turned to him believing he could turn water into wine and make their dreams come true; all of this was kept…
Are you missing out?

Are you missing out?

Every morning we go through the same ritual. We wake up and check if we have new messages on Whatsapp, answer quickly to some of them, ignore the group chats. Then we move on to Facebook, check notifications, new friend requests and our memories.…

Power Play in the Entertainment Industry & Beyond

Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has been dominating headlines the past week after numerous allegations of sexual assault were put on him. A reported 25 female celebrities and counting have progressively revealed their experience with…

Preparing Young People for the World Ahead

For many graduates, unemployment has sky-rocketed in recent years compared to previous generations. After three years of full time education at the highest level, many are left with student debt amounting over £30,000 while struggling to…

The Issue of Business Expansion in Central London

Paddington is one of the few high-density residential neighbourhoods of Central London. It’s a business districts and in general a place where people from all walks of life can thrive well under the essence of community cohesion. Among…