I’m sure if you were asked to create a list of things that were important to you, the list would include family, friends, maybe a pet, a hobby or passion. That’s wonderful, but let’s think realistically for a moment. What is something that we value, some might over value, in our daily lives?
Hint: It’s most likely in your hands right now and it rings (some of the time).
To me, my phone is an integral part of my life. As a student, I need access to my email and assignments. As a young adult, my phone feeds my addiction to social media, I can easily contact friends, access my music, and books to read for entertainment. As someone living abroad, it’s a link to home, my mini map of London, and a sort of diary of my travels. My phone is my lifeline.
Or so I thought.
Coming to London, I was afraid to not have a data plan, unsure of how to survive only on limited amount of Wi-Fi throughout the day. The first week was difficult, unconsciously I would reach for my phone to document something on snapchat or to mindlessly scroll through other social media platforms while bored, only to be faced with the harsh reality that nothing would load without Wi-Fi. First came a sense of upset, then I would look up and take in the world around me. Absorbing the sights, the sounds, and the people, I felt more connected to the new city I’m in than ever, had I been looking at it through a screen. This then brought me to the realization that we’re glued to our phones.
Don’t believe me?
Look around you the next time you get on the tube, or ride the bus. I guarantee that most, if not everyone else around you, will be hunched over a rectangle of white light. It’s not necessarily an issue to be on your phone, but it does retract from the beauty of the world around you.
I feel as if there is so much opportunity being missed, when our heads our down rather than looking arounds. Missed connections, new scenery, a cute dog, the list of what we’re missing is endless. Sure, our phones are useful and necessary devices, however so are the people around us. I encourage you to try going without your phone, while walking somewhere, relaxing with friends or even in the evening before bed.
Have you noticed anything that you may have been missing?
Well you won’t know until you try.

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