
Reluctance to Meditate
Ena explores the concept of meditation and talks about her journey and experience with different meditative practices such as breathing.

The Importance of Organ Donation
information about the law on organ donation, why it is good to donate and the importance of discussing your decision.

Routine Criminalisation of Asylum Seekers Continues in the UK
Asylum Seekers of the UK are continuously and unjustly criminalised. A guest article from Harry Sanders of the Immigration Advice Service.

Italy Bans Unvaccinated Students from Attending Class
Following a mandatory immunisation law, Italian parents who have not vaccinated their children risk fines or their kids being re fused entry into schools.

Flanders Region Bans Kosher and Halal Meat
The Belgian region of Flanders has gone forward with a ban on Kosher in Halal meat this year raising question of concern over xenophobia.

China Could Lift Anti-Natal Policy after 40 Years
China may give their almost 40-year anti-natal policy the scrap due to their increasing ageing population and fall in birth rates.

Affirmative Consent Is More Than 'Reasonable Belief'
Affirmative Consent is the concept of ‘Yes Means Yes’. It is active consent, without room for confusion. It’s time for us to stop only saying ‘no means no’ - we need more than that.