Reluctance to Meditate
Ena explores the concept of meditation and talks about her journey and experience with different meditative practices such as breathing.
Is it Time to Reconsider our Assumptions About Nuclear Weapons?
We need a more pragmatic approach to deciding who is allowed to join the nuclear weapons club.
What Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death Means for America
The US mourns an icon and awaits a change that could transform its socio-political climate.
Leave No One Behind: The Virtues and Dangers of Social Mobility
We love to celebrate ‘rags to riches’ stories but is social mobility really a measure of society’s progress towards equality?
In the Battle over Mail Ballots, is US Democracy or Trump’s Presidency at Stake?
The scope of COVID-19 seems almost limitless. Could it affect the very integrity of the US presidential election?
Ofqual vs. The People: Why the A-level Algorithm Caused Such a Commotion
Ofqual’s A-level algorithm caused outrage, particularly because of its contribution to inequality. But was there a better alternative?
Mamun Rashid Charged with Terrorism Offence
26-year-old Mamun Rashid from Whitechapel has been arrested and charged with a Terrorism offence after being deported from Turkey last week.
Insensitivity in Politics: Roger Scruton
Roger Scruton fired over insensitive comments on Islamophobia.
Revoke, Remain, Reform: an American’s Perspective on the People’s Vote March
In one of the largest protests in British history, the People’s Vote March brought cheeky cardboard signs, clever costumes, and an overwhelming call to vote down PM Theresa May’s Brexit deal.
Italy Bans Unvaccinated Students from Attending Class
Following a mandatory immunisation law, Italian parents who have not vaccinated their children risk fines or their kids being re fused entry into schools.
Dear Refugee Crises - Valentina Georgieva
A letter written to the current Refugee Crises world wide written by Valentina as part of the ScribersHive Europe programme.