
Reluctance to Meditate
Ena explores the concept of meditation and talks about her journey and experience with different meditative practices such as breathing.

The Double Meaning Behind Social Distancing…
Ayse talks about the impacts of the term social distancing and how it has created a socially distant mindset for people.

An Election Like No Other
Observations of the election from the voice of a politically active seventeen year old girl.
With one week to go, I think it is safe to say that no one could have predicted the swings and roundabouts thrown our way during this election campaign.…

Being British Muslim
As a brown Muslim girl, my experience of the world is one of fear and sadness but determination. Although living in Birmingham, one of the most diverse cities in Great Britain, means that I have a relatively sheltered life (and I could not even…

Filling in the Gaps of Philosophy
Often when people think of the history of Philosophy their mind wanders to Grecian Philosophers such as Aristotle, Socrates and Plato and for more recent philosophers we cast our minds to Averroes, Rousseau and Diderot and Maimonides. However,…

A New System
Our current movers and shakers have intentionally disrupted the natural equilibrium of Terra (earth), but why? Through supposedly superior eyes I presume that a person would believe that they were above all other creations and being so endowed…