Reluctance to Meditate
Ena explores the concept of meditation and talks about her journey and experience with different meditative practices such as breathing.
Referencing and Citing: The Unexpected University Challenge
Here are three steps to prepare you for referencing and citing at university.
Work, Leisure and Friends at Uni. How Do You Manage?
Find out how to balance work, leisure and friends at uni. It may seem difficult, but it is all about prioritising and acting early.
How to Leave University With Years of Experience
Five key points that will help you leave University with years of experience, ready to take on a graduate job.
How TikTok Landed Me a Graduate Job
How tips and tricks from TikTokers helped me get a graduate job in these uncertain times.
Racism in UK Universities and the Activists Calling for Change
How activists are dealing with racism in UK universities.
Scandal: An Education Misfortune
Scandal in the education system both in the UK and US.
How To Fight Homesickness
Whether you're in uni or working far from home, try out this guide to fighting homesickness.
Predicted Grades: Another Barrier in Higher Education
Predicted grades result to be inaccurate and in the worst cases stop students from disadvantaged backgrounds from applying for the course they want and to an institution of their choice.