Health & Well being

Gender Pay Gap Widens in the UK

New gender pay gap figures indicate that the UK has not been successful in evening out the wage discrepancies.

Racism in Sports and the Actions Taken

Racism in sports and the change that needs to happen for this to stop.

The Sad times We live in: Brunei’s Anti - LGBT+ Laws

Brueni"s law against LGBT+ people calling for them to be stoned to death.

Success on a Universal Scale

An overview on how success can be measured on a universal scale.

Slice of America in the West End: “Waitress” Musical Review

A cliché American story of pies, diners, and the pursuit of happiness.

EU Parliament Bans Single-Use Plastic Items

Single-use plastic items, like straws, cutlery, and cotton buds, will be banned in Europe by 2021.