Reluctance to Meditate

Ena explores the concept of meditation and talks about her journey and experience with different meditative practices such as breathing.

Movie Review: Star Wars Episode VIII

After almost a month of release on the box office, The Last Jedi has managed to generate over $1.205bn worldwide to the excitement of Star Wars fans both young and old. Despite always loving the originality that is George Lucas’ space opera,…

Asbestos Found in Claire's Kids Make-Up

Asbestos was found in Claire’s make-up sets for kids. Claire’s pulled nine products from the market because they found asbestos contamination. As a CNN affiliate, WJAR-TV reported that Kristie Warner, a mother from Barrington, Rhode…

Reverse Racism Doesn't Exist

Reverse racism can not exist as it would imply that people from a Black, Asian or minority ethnic background could mimic the same structure of injustice that they went through against White people.