Reluctance to Meditate
Ena explores the concept of meditation and talks about her journey and experience with different meditative practices such as breathing.
Unity versus Equality: Transgender Rights
Halloween, 2014. All the girls are crowded around the mirror in Kat’s miniscule upstairs bathroom, making the final touches to make the perfect cute/creative/scary costume for tonight’s party.
I however, was working on a different project.…
A Sense of Belonging
The city often wakes up before I do. Birds singing salutations to the rising sun, the low hum of wheels caressing pavement, and the murmur of chatter from passerby’s float up through my window in the early morning. It’s 7 a.m. London is…
Spirituality vs. Religion: Is there a difference?
In our modern world, we often find things to ground us, coincide with our morals/values and overall, round out our general character. This can range anywhere from having certain, special people in our lives, or participating in a hobby that…
Ignorance is Bliss
“Where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise.” -Thomas Gray
It is a blessing to be ignorant in the sense that functioning throughout the day unawares leaves this wonderful cover of bliss and happiness. And yet, this ignorance is also…
82 Seconds Changed Westminster (A Reflection)
Wednesday, March 22nd, has impacted London deeply. The attack on Parliament in Westminster came as shock to the city, happening out of nowhere. With the suddenness of this came rapid-fire news updates from many news media outlets, members of…
“Why did I deserve to die?”: The Realities of Animal Cruelty
If you’ve ever had a family pet, then I’m sure you’ll understand how deeply they affect our lives. I have three pets of my own, imagining my life without them is out of the question. So, having to hear the words “dog”, “shot”,…
“Why did I deserve to die?”: The Realities of Animal Cruelty
If you’ve ever had a family pet, then I’m sure you’ll understand how deeply they affect our lives. I have three pets of my own, imagining my life without them is out of the question. So, having to hear the words “dog”, “shot”,…
“Why did I deserve to die?”: The Realities of Animal Cruelty
If you’ve ever had a family pet, then I’m sure you’ll understand how deeply they affect our lives. I have three pets of my own, imagining my life without them is out of the question. So, having to hear the words “dog”, “shot”,…
Glued to Our Screens
I’m sure if you were asked to create a list of things that were important to you, the list would include family, friends, maybe a pet, a hobby or passion. That’s wonderful, but let’s think realistically for a moment. What is something…
Stop and Smell the...Pollution
Have you ever heard of a ‘smellfie’?
Don’t worry I haven’t either, in fact it’s a relatively new term just recently coined through an article from the BBC written by Matt McGrath. Said article, Can city ‘Smellfies’ stop air pollution?…