Sharing and discussing news, views and opinion on politics. Now more than ever politics can be a touchy debate as people express why they feel one side is better than the other. ScribersHive uses its platform to encourage healthy discussions, not to conclude anything but rather share thoughts and experiences and help others make their own decision based on a more informed approach. Scribers can share political news or how they feel about political events and also search for related articles.

Reluctance to Meditate

Ena explores the concept of meditation and talks about her journey and experience with different meditative practices such as breathing.

Catalan independence

Catalan parliament just declared independence from Spain on Friday morning October 27 but within short distance the Spanish senate approved direct rule of Catalonia by Madrid. Earlier this month on the first of October , the referendum took…

358 Dead in Somalia

On Saturday October 14, in Mogadishu, Somali, two truck bombings occurred, killing 358 people. At the drive of the truck was a former soldier in Somalia’s army whose town was recently raided. The first vehicle to explode in the centre…

Dictatorship in Democracy

Autumn 2017 has seen another year of anarchy in the Spanish region of Catalonia, which has been demanding independence from Spain since the Civil War of the late 1930s when Franco was in power. Well into the new Millennia and the Catalans…

It's only terrorism if you fight back… Right?

I'm sure you've heard of it… the tragedy that was Grenfell Towers - the inferno of destruction weighing down on an estimated 500+ individuals (unconfirmed). Men, women, and children lost their lives, while others who narrowly escaped were…

Listening to the Voices of Grenfell Tower

The words on this page come from my voice. They speak to my personal experiences, and my own turn of phrase. My voice is my identity. Its tone, it’s written hand on paper and the words chosen can indicate many things. Personal qualities, yes,…

Listening to the Voices of Grenfell Tower

The words on this page come from my voice. They speak to my personal experiences, and my own turn of phrase. My voice is my identity. Its tone, it’s written hand on paper and the words chosen can indicate many things. Personal qualities, yes,…
Listening to the Voices of Grenfell Tower

Listening to the Voices of Grenfell Tower

The words on this page come from my voice. They speak to my personal experiences, and my own turn of phrase. My voice is my identity. Its tone, it’s written hand on paper and the words chosen can indicate many things. Personal qualities, yes,…

Remember, Remember When It Fell.

As a young person, a person of colour, or a person of a certain race or religion, though it is not limited to these categorisations, we have been systematically subjugated by the establishment, and consequently deprived of our voices. Such subjugation…

Remember, Remember When It Fell.

As a young person, a person of colour, or a person of a certain race or religion, though it is not limited to these categorisations, we have been systematically subjugated by the establishment, and consequently deprived of our voices. Such subjugation…
Remember, Remember When It Fell.

Remember, Remember When It Fell.

As a young person, a person of colour, or a person of a certain race or religion, though it is not limited to these categorisations, we have been systematically subjugated by the establishment, and consequently deprived of our voices. Such subjugation…