Sharing and discussing news and information that is useful for students. Laws and rules for students is are changing constantly. ScribersHive provides students with the latest major issues and changes facing students. It also shares opportunities for students who seek to use or further develop the skills. People can discuss how they feel about said changes that affect student life or share stories and anecdotes of their experience as students.

Reluctance to Meditate

Ena explores the concept of meditation and talks about her journey and experience with different meditative practices such as breathing.

Ofqual vs. The People: Why the A-level Algorithm Caused Such a Commotion

Ofqual’s A-level algorithm caused outrage, particularly because of its contribution to inequality. But was there a better alternative?

Scandal: An Education Misfortune

Scandal in the education system both in the UK and US.

A Movement For Climate Change - #FridaysforFuture

Greta Thunberg the young pioneer for climate change is nominated for a Noble Peace Prize at 16. She inspired a march that was done all over the world on March 15th 2019.

The Young Ambassador's Apprenticeship Fair

I got the opportunity to interview a few of the Young Westminster Foundation's Young Ambassadors about their first community event.

Dear UK Education System

A scathing letter to the education system in the UK.

The Importance of Reading Books from a Young Age

With digital technology usage ever-increasing, it's time to take a little step back for some good old recreational reading. Whether it be a fantasy novel or an except in your local newspaper.

£4m Fund to be Dedicated to improving Alternative Provision Education

Alternative Provision Education is to be given a £4m Fund. Those that are most likely to attend such institutions are children with Special Educational Needs, Black Caribbean pupils and pupils that receive free school meals.

Stormzy Introduces Scholarship to Increase Black Intake at Cambridge University

Stormzy introduces 'The Stormzy Scholarship' to help Black University of Cambridge students complete their degrees. Many hope that this will encourage more Black applicants, who are underrepresented at the institution.

Scribing, Hiving, and Interning whilst Proper Vibing

A collection of reflections on my wonderful internship placement with the good people of Scribers Hive and You Press

Predicted Grades: Another Barrier in Higher Education

Predicted grades result to be inaccurate and in the worst cases stop students from disadvantaged backgrounds from applying for the course they want and to an institution of their choice.