After watching the train wreck that was Suicide Squad in late summer last year, I told myself that it wouldn’t get any worse than this for the DC Extended Universe.
I was wrong.
Choppy editing, a restrictive run-time and 2-dimensional characters only hits the surface of how shockingly bad Justice League is.
The fifth instalment in Zack Snyder’s take on Detective Comics’ live action material is by far the worst in its four-year history.
I mean…where do I start?
It’s all just too rushed for a feature-length film and comes to show that Warner Bros do not have the fans in mind but rather the critics and competition as they want to churn out as many movies to catch up to DC’s main competitor Marvel.
The reason why Marvel is dominating on the silver screen is because their movies are thought out and they’ve had almost a decade to build up a cinematic universe.
Just when you think Warner Brothers were having a good year with releases like Dunkirk, Stephen King’s IT and Blade Runner: 2049, they release this CGI turd of a movie.
One thing that’s really bugged me is the studio’s 2-hour limit to the DCEU releases.
Not much can be achieved in 2 hours if you’re trying to establish a story arc of six different superheroes.
I think the actors make for a perfect fit as these beloved comic book giants. The only problem is when you replace the original filmmaker with someone who’s going to do half-arsed reshoots, it will turn out to be a bad movie.
Though many are going to disagree with me, I hated Ezra Miller as The Flash.
When Miller’s Flash runs in the Justice League, my friends and I were laughing at how ridiculously unreal it was.
His hands and legs looked like spaghetti dangling in slow motion when he ran.
I think the biggest problem in this adaption is the drastic change in tone compared to the previous movies.
I mean yeah, people have criticised Snyder for being dark and gritty but that doesn’t mean you need to make the whole film fun and fluorescent.
It looks out of place.
The whole final act wasn’t satisfying as there was no sense of danger with Superman smiling and Batman cracking jokes while the world was being destroyed.
Overall I think DC is trying too hard to mirror the success of Marvel in recent years with its lightheartedness.
Millions of fans including myself loved the dark stories because it was something different.
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