
Reluctance to Meditate

Ena explores the concept of meditation and talks about her journey and experience with different meditative practices such as breathing.

Coronavirus: Why this Pandemic is Much More than a Disease

Different ways that Coronavirus has affected societies around the world

Fake News is an Epidemic in Itself

Coronavirus isn't the only thing that's contagious right now.

A Guide to Surviving the Heatwave this Summer

A simple guide to surviving the heatwave as temperatures rise in London and the rest of the UK this Summer

How Jazz Became my New Saviour

I explore the benefits of Jazz music and how it helps one to improve their concentration at work and school

Over Half a Million British Children at Risk of Measles

Over half a million children from the UK are at risk from the potentially fatal measles virus after not receiving the recommended vaccinations.

Italy Bans Unvaccinated Students from Attending Class

Following a mandatory immunisation law, Italian parents who have not vaccinated their children risk fines or their kids being re fused entry into schools.

Flanders Region Bans Kosher and Halal Meat

The Belgian region of Flanders has gone forward with a ban on Kosher in Halal meat this year raising question of concern over xenophobia.

Students’ Diets are Deteriorating

According to a recent study, about 30% of students don't eat fruit daily.

How To Fight Homesickness

Whether you're in uni or working far from home, try out this guide to fighting homesickness.

There is a Hero Inside of You

Utilising the skills we learn from our helpers during our missions.