
Reluctance to Meditate

Ena explores the concept of meditation and talks about her journey and experience with different meditative practices such as breathing.

The Media and its Role in the Accounting Profession

Media and it’s role in the Accounting Profession

Why We Urgently Need to Boycott Social Media

As we search for clarity amidst confusion and approach another US election, it is time we turned the tables on those keeping us in the dark.

How TikTok Landed Me a Graduate Job

How tips and tricks from TikTokers helped me get a graduate job in these uncertain times.

The World Of Social Media in the Fashion Industry

Social media's impact on the fashion industry and how it's changed the way of finding new models.

Social Media Interrupted, Life Interrupted?

Facebook's recent shut-down might have been the key to recognizing how attached we are to social media.

Are Young People Screen Addicted, Or Screen Adverse?

Over the past few years there has been a great deal of concern about the effect that the internet is having on Generation Z. Having first hand perspectives and opinions from members of our current cohort of young people could be the key to understanding how to ensure that members of younger generations are better informed about the shortcomings of the internet.

Facebook: Social Media Company or Digital Democracy? 

A look at Facebook and the controversy around their plans to tackle fake news.


I caught myself yesterday taking a photo in Waterstones as I was reading a book to then instantly display on my story, because hey - look at what I’m doing! I’m interesting, validate me. To which I stopped myself, deleted the post, put…

Herd Mentality & the Problem with Fake News

The distribution of fake news scares on WhatsApp has resulted in the killings of eight people including two who have recently been lynched in Assam, North East India. Has herd mentality fueled by social media gone too far?

The Attack on Social Media

Recently Facebook has been involved in one of the biggest scandals the company has experienced since its launch in 2004. Third parties such as Cambridge Analytica were able to gain access to millions of users’ data to sway the 2016 American…