A Law to Break Another Law: The New Brexit Legislation Is Not Going Down Well
Boris Johnson’s Internal Market Bill threatens to make the UK’s road out of the EU even bumpier, if that were possible.
Colonisation’s Unhealed Wounds: Why the Lack of Unity on the African Continent?
Africa could be the world’s largest trade bloc. Will historical and present-day divisions prevent it from achieving power through unity?
The Melancholy Power of Don McLean’s Music
How his music was “…an outstretched hand from a poet to a painter in the midst of what was to both of them a lonely world”.
What Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death Means for America
The US mourns an icon and awaits a change that could transform its socio-political climate.
How to Leave University With Years of Experience
Five key points that will help you leave University with years of experience, ready to take on a graduate job.
How To Run a Half-Marathon When You Have Only Just Managed a 5K
How to condition yourself to run half a marathon!
How TikTok Landed Me a Graduate Job
How tips and tricks from TikTokers helped me get a graduate job in these uncertain times.
Leave No One Behind: The Virtues and Dangers of Social Mobility
We love to celebrate ‘rags to riches’ stories but is social mobility really a measure of society’s progress towards equality?
Homeland Under my Nails - Mohammed Omar Khalil's Exhibit
A review of Home Under my Nails, an Exhibition by artist Mohammed Omar Khalil showcasing Sudanese heritage.
Taking Up the Wrong Space: How Creativity in a Niche Lets You Become Mediocre
How creative mediocrity damages representation.