Reluctance to Meditate
Ena explores the concept of meditation and talks about her journey and experience with different meditative practices such as breathing.
Finding Purpose In Life
These past few days, I haven’t been feeling that energetic or motivated, despite the fact that enthusiasm is a big part of my personality and I usually like to move around a lot.
Ever since the pandemic, staying at home hasn't been one of…
The Age Factor
Ena discusses the impact of getting older and how one can overcome the stigma attached with ageing. Is age just a number or can it mean more?
Hidden Voices - Season 2 | Episode 2 - Employment
Listen to the second Hidden Voices episode this season as we focus on the theme of life. Hal, Merium and Farah talk about different aspects of employment.
Hidden Voices - Season 2 | Episode 1 - Family
Listen to the first Hidden Voices episode this season as we focus on the theme of life. Moses, Ridwan and Kaled talk about different aspects of family.
When a Fool experiences Writer's Block
A personal piece discussing my writing capabilities as I make a comeback to publishing articles on ScribersHive
Something More After the Smoke
Reflecting on heroes and other instances of love during and throughout the destruction of the Greek wildflowers
I caught myself yesterday taking a photo in Waterstones as I was reading a book to then instantly display on my story, because hey - look at what I’m doing! I’m interesting, validate me.
To which I stopped myself, deleted the post, put…
You + Life = Playing a Game
Many are lost in this game we refer to as life.
In this reality show that is currently LIVE.
Many play the roles that do not fit.
Many feel fear when thinking about altering the descriptions that they have originally received.
These descriptions…
A New System
Our current movers and shakers have intentionally disrupted the natural equilibrium of Terra (earth), but why? Through supposedly superior eyes I presume that a person would believe that they were above all other creations and being so endowed…