Anticipation – As told through horror

A short critique on horror and its many art forms. An analysis on how anticipation is key to conveying strong horror.

The Moon Landing: How Conspiracy Devalues History

is a great thing. Inspiring hope is even better. This an article that reaffirms some of our greatest achievements.

The receptacle of something divine (Or as he’s known in the film industry: Tommy Wiseau)

The Room. That movie you may have heard of. Well, here's my critique of the film and the man behind such genius, Tommy Wiseau. Enjoy.

Dorset Police Identify Emiliano Sala's Body

After a two-week search for the Cardiff City striker, Emiliano Sala has finally been found by private investigators.

M/V Review - Mick Moon x YASMYN - Forbidden Fruit

The music video directed by Anrike Piel starring Mick Moon and YASMYN makes its debut, illustrating the consequences of over-consumerism.

The Photography & Creative Writing Competition 2018

The Photography & Creative Writing competition has officially come to an end with six lucky winner producing some amazing pieces of work surrounding the topics of Faith, Identity & Belonging.

Marianna Zappi releases new EP "Untameable"

There is something undeniable about Marianna Zappi, and it is her powerhouse voice.

TV Review - The Punisher - Season 2

Netflix have released season 2 of The Punisher which has been welcomed with a mix reception by critics and fans.

Argentine Forward Emiliano Sala Missing

Cardiff City striker Emiliano Sala has gone missing after signing to the Welsh club on Saturday. It is believed that his plane has crash over the English Channel but no traces of aircraft have been found.