Reluctance to Meditate
Ena explores the concept of meditation and talks about her journey and experience with different meditative practices such as breathing.

First Glance by Fatimah A - ScribersHive Europe
First Glance by Fatimah A is a short poem from the UK team as part of the ScribersHive Europe Programme.

So Then Where Are You Going? by Sara Lutfullah
"So Then Where are You Going?" is a short poem by Sara Lutfullah written on behalf of ScribersHive Europe.

Dear Education System - Asyia Iftikhar
Dear Education System by Asyia Iftikar on behalf of ScribersHive Europe.

Dear Refugee Crises - Valentina Georgieva
A letter written to the current Refugee Crises world wide written by Valentina as part of the ScribersHive Europe programme.

Ask More, Assume Less
"Out of everyone else in the world that could've been the barriers to your dreams, why did it have to be your parents?"

The Effect of the Refugee Crisis on Children
Refugee statistics from The UN Refugees Agency (UNHCR) shows that there are 65.8 million refugees around the world. Those that have to leave their own country also bare with the issues of 28 million child refugees.
The situation in temporary…

2025 - An Original Poem by Ruma Parvin
A poem about the future

Dear Sexism, Homophobia and Transphobia
A letter to Sexism, Homophobia and Transphobia to show them that things are moving at least in sports.

There is a Hero Inside of You
Utilising the skills we learn from our helpers during our missions.