
Reluctance to Meditate

Ena explores the concept of meditation and talks about her journey and experience with different meditative practices such as breathing.

A Wave of Truth: Lessons from My Journey in Poetry

Tracing my journey in poetry from wonder, to self-doubt, to honesty.

Poetry For The Soul, A Five Course Meal

A small collection of poetry by me for you. A Made Headache My brain sits in a brewing fog, a simple soup of nicely sliced worries, some chopped meats from the folds of my cerebral stress. Add a dash of uncertainty for a peculiar taste, sprinkle…

10 Steps On How To (Not) Start A Book

As a prospective writer myself and avid book worm, I’ve written many poems, personal narratives, and academic articles. None are published at the moment, but I’ve recently challenged myself to pursue my dream of completing a novel all on…

Isolation in the North by Anrike Piel - ScribersHive Europe

Isolation in the North by Anrike Piel is a reflection piece written on behalf of the ScribersHive Europe programme.

Refugees by Emin Ayyildiz - ScribersHive Europe

Refugees by Emin Ayyildiz (Turkey) is a short report written on behalf of the ScribersHive Europe programme.

System Kills Them by Ventislava Zlatareva - ScribersHive Europe

System Kills Them by Ventislava Zlatareva (Bulgaria) on behalf of the ScribersHive Europe programme.

Anti-Globalisation by Nikol Ivova Stoykova - ScribersHive Europe

Anti-Globalisation by Nikol Ivova Stoykova (Bulgaria) is an essay written on behalf of the ScribersHive Europe programme.

Your Hell is My Hell by Maria Martin Gonzales - ScribersHive Europe

Your Hell is My Hell by Maria Martin Gonzales (Spain) is a short poem written on behalf of the ScribersHive Europe programme.

We Are by Teresa Martin Martin - ScribersHive Europe

We Are by Teresa Martin Martin (Spain) is a short reflection on behalf of the ScribersHive Europe programme.